Maximum of 256 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
The title should be clear and meaningful for non-experts in the technology or application field. It should enable potential partners to see if the profile interests them.
It should be:
• Clear AND Concise (It is not an advert, and there is room in the summary and description for further details)
• Attractive (Avoid “marketing speak”: remain as matter-of-fact as possible).
Maximum of 500 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Add a summary of the offer. It should be a short overview and aim to answer the following questions:
• Where (geographically) is the offer from?
• What sort of organisation is doing the offering?
• What is being offered (put the emphasis on the “what”, not the “how”)?
• What are the main advantages for the user?
• Who are the targeted partners?
• What sort of deal is sought?
The summary is usually the first – and sometimes only – thing potential partners will see.
Maximum of 2000 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
• Describe the technology or product; try to indicate clearly the innovation you propose (provide quantitative data if possible and put the emphasis on explaining the “what” and not on the “how”).
• Elaborate on points covered in your summary. If possible back up descriptions with data to support any claims.
• Provide information about the expertise or know-how of the proposer.
• Do not include a sales promotion of your technology or product.
• Do not include the advantages of the technology / product, it will come below.
• Do not write your description with a specific market in mind: concentrate on the business/technological aspects of the technology/product you are offering.
• If you use abbreviations, please make sure that full names are given, as well as further explanation (if necessary).
• Please make sure that your profile is understood by people who may not be the experts in this particular technology field.
Important: Stand-alone acronyms, product names or trademarks are not allowed in the description.
Maximum of 4000 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Help: This is one of the most important fields when creating a profile. Insert information regarding the type and role of Partner sought. Enter as much detailed information as possible as this allows prospective partners to be fully aware of your needs and expectations.
As a rule the following information should be addressed as a minimum:
• The type of Partner Sought (industry, academic, research organisation, business etc.)
• The tasks to be performed by the partner sought (you should state clearly what you expect from your partner.
• Remember multiple types of partners and partnerships can be considered but at least some of the tasks to be performed should be consistent with the type of partnership you are discussing in the Summary, Description and other sections of this profile. Everything should conform.
Maximum of 1000 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
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