Maximum of 256 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
The title has to be clear and provide synthesised information to non-experts in the field of the technology/know-how on offer.
The information in the title should enable the clients to grasp, whether the profile is of some interest to them.
The title should:
• Be clear & concise (details can be displayed in the description);
• Be attractive (avoid using “marketing speak” and/or capital letters);
• Indicate the technology/know-how on offer.
Acronyms, product names and trademarks, marketing speak and unnecessary capital letters are not allowed in the title.
Maximum of 500 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
The summary should be a short overview of the offered technology/know-how and it aims at providing the following information:
• Geographical location and country of origin of the offering client;
• Type of organisation of the offering client and their field of activity;
• The technology/know-how on offer;
• Main advantages/innovativeness of the technology/know-how on offer;
• List with the sought cooperation types.
• List with the target countries, if they are 5 or less;
Tip: The summary is often the first text to be read by the potential partners. The title and the summary should be informative, concise and competitive, reflecting adequately the offered technology/know-how.
Must be between 100 and 4000 characters. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Provide background information and a short introductory text to the described technology/know-how.
The description is a detailed explanation of the offered business and it should answer the following questions:
• Geographical location of the offering client;
• Type of organisation of the offering client and their field of activity;
• Set the scene:
1) Give an outline of the problem that is addressed by the technology;
2) Give an outline of the state of art (e.g. existing technology solution).
• Describe the offered technology/know-how in more details: main features and application fields;
• Back-up and elaborate on the points covered in the summary;
• Provide information about the expertise of your client;
• Justify the selected cooperation type(s):
Why were these cooperation types selected – the desired outcome of an international partnership;
How is the international cooperation envisaged – the cooperation types should be explained, not simply stated.
• Do not include a sales promotion of the technology;
• Do not include the advantages of the technology.
When using abbreviations, make sure that the full names are given when they appear for first time in the profile text.
Important: Stand-alone acronyms, product names or trademarks are not allowed in the description. Avoid the use of “we/our” and never reveal company names, brand, patent numbers and other information, which might disclose the anonymity of the clients. The text should give enough details and answer obvious questions. Important components may include an accurate description of the product, the market context, etc.
Must be between 50 and 2000 characters. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Describe clearly the innovative aspects and the economic and technology advantages and benefits of the offered technology/know-how
• Please specify the competitive advantages of your client's technology/know-how in comparison with other producers and providers and the prevailing technologies.
• Consider elements such as performance, ease of use, specific know-how, adapting to existing technology, range of products, company history and tradition.
• Avoid generalities such as “best” or “unique”, which are not followed by meaningful explanation.
It may be useful to add a bullet list of main advantages related to the technology/know-how: i.e. innovative aspects, novelty, performance, ease of use, economic benefits, comparison to competitive products already on the market etc.
Stage of Development *
IPR status *
Maximum of 2000 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Sustainable Development Goals *
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